‘No Mind’ Guitar. What is the meaning of this?
For over fifty years I have loved playing the guitar, finding an inner quietness when engaged in playing repeated patterns which I find pleasing.
The linear mind is of course very helpful for the learning phase- where to place the fingers, which strings to pluck, etc. But once these elements are learned, it is possible to let go and ‘let the music play’, disengaged from the thinking mind.This inner quiet is well known by practitioners of meditation, as well as those engaged in artistic endeavors of all kinds. It is actually the ‘satori’ of the artist, and the ‘watermark’ to aim for. I don’t pretend to have achieved it consistently. But I know that when I am ‘there’, a joyful peace ensues- worth whatever practice it takes to achieve.The way of contemplative guitar playing also provides a direct and stress-free entrance into song-making, allowing songs to arise freely and spontaneously, an effortless expression. By setting into motion a pattern which flows easily, not needing to be led by the thinking process, a door to the intuitive opens. Melody and lyrics appear upon the canvas of a harmonic pattern.
This volume contains two sections- ‘Patterns’ (37 assorted practices) and ‘Legendaria’ (28 triplet exercises). You will discover new approaches founded on simple practice. By learning them, and repeating those which feel and sound good to you, you may find that a relaxing of mind and an opening of heart naturally unfolds. The selections included here are in no way definitive of the wide variety of guitar patterns which are possible. They are only meant to serve as a beginning. It is my hope that these simple harmonic phrases can open new possibilities in your guitar experience, perhaps even leading you to discover your own original patterns.