I lay it down, I lay it down
This thought that taunts me and kicks me to the ground
I lay it down, I lay it down
And lift you up Lord, show me how
To keep my mind on what is true:
The all-loving goodness of you
Everything, else I lay it…
I lay it down, I lay it down –
This memory that haunts me and pushes me around.
I lay it down, I lay it down
And lift you up Lord, show me how
To keep my mind on what is true:
The all-loving goodness of you
Everything, else I lay it…
I lay it down, I lay it down –
This worry weighing heavy, causing me to doubt.
I lay it down, I lay it down
And lift you up Lord, show me how
To keep my mind on what is true:
The all-loving goodness of you
Everything, else I lay it down ________.