Hold On To Love


Music By: Dan Johnson and Roger Tomhave
Copyright Year: 2008



Our congragation loves to sing on the chorus, and in three part harmony!

Hold on To Love
Dan Johnson and Roger Tomhave ©2008

Hold on. Hold on to love. Hold on to love. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on to love. Hold on to love. Hold on.

(Verse 1)
Oh, baby sleep, in mother’s arms,
Contented child; safe from harm.
Live this love through all your days
And make this world a better place.


(Verse 2)
I choose you. You choose me.
Love at first comes easily.
Let it be our choice each day.
With these words we pray.

You can search for love; you can hope and pray,
Most easily found when given away.


(Verse 3)
Live through love, not through fear.
Our time is short and precious here.
Take a stand for all that’s right.
Shun the darkness, be the light.
