About Me
Joelyn Lutz is a singer/songwriter and performer on the beautiful central coast of California. With over four decades of musical enterprising, ranging from lead guitarist in an all-female rock band to teaching vocals and guitar and live performances, Joelyn has plugged into the music world in every imaginable variation. Her music embodies a rich fusion of rock, country, jazz, rhythm and blues and latin character.
Joelyn’s new album Just Breathe was preceded by an inconceivable period of loss in her life and from the grief and darkness sprung the healing messages in Just Breathe. With song titles such as Grace, Give Out Your Love and I Matter, Joelyn’s words echo both the uplifting sentiment that we each hold powerful gifts for planetary healing. She’s also purposely mastered her songs in the natural healing tone of 432 hz (which is known as the vibrational healing tone of our planet) and explains why in her live shows.
My Interests
I love giving back and began a non-profit called WonHeart where I did character building (formally known as anti-bully) programs in schools for grades K-6th. I used music with the non-violent tools built in to the songs. I stay active by working out everyday, walking next to the ocean, eating right for my body and traveling for life’s experiences.